Wednesday, March 6, 2013

We Are Cleansed

Greetings from Snowquestered DC.  This past Monday & Tuesday, I was at our Classis (geographical grouping of churches) meeting in New Jersey.  But now I'm getting my head in the game for Sunday.  This coming Sunday we are going to learn that, in our baptisms,

We are Cleansed.

Perhaps this will be a strange concept for us in our culture & context.  Because it begs the question: cleansed from what?  Are you saying there is something wrong with me?

In the context of Scripture, however, the idea of cleansing has ample precedent. People understood their need to be cleansed and healed from all their sin, all those things that distance them from God, all their weakness and infirmity.  The New Testament teaches that baptism functions as a cleansing. relying heavily on this mutual understanding.  So, perhaps, we are wise to share the same foundation in preparation for this coming Sunday's service.

READ Numbers 19
REFLECT For what reasons could an Israelite be declared "unclean"? How could they be made clean again? What benefit (to God, the individual & the community) came from being made clean?   

READ II Kings 5:1-16 (Sermon text)
REFLECT Who are the characters in this story?  What does each one believe (rightly or wrongly) about "cleansing"?

READ Luke 3
REFLECT John's baptism is a baptism of repentance and preparation.  What details in the story demonstrate this for us?  IF John's baptism is for repentance and preparation, why was Jesus (who was sinless) baptized?  What does the inclusion of Jesus' genealogy add to the story (hint: see how far back the genealogy extends.  compare with Mt. 1)

READ Ezekiel 36:22-32 & 37-38; Hebrews 10:1-25
REFLECT In the Old Testament text, what was the benefit & purpose of this cleansing? In the New Testament text, what is the relationship between Old Testament ritual and the work of Christ? How does baptism reframe our lives?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Meg. Jim & I appreciated your scriptures for devotions last week & now these.
