Friday, February 22, 2013

Loving God with our Eyes

It is a charge frequently leveled against Reformed Christians of many varieties -- that we love to love God with our minds.  And it's true.  Intellectualism is in our wheelhouse, you might say.  Nothing wrong with that.

But, as God has seen fit to bless our congregation with artists and writers and dancers and musicians and creative sorts, we have a new opportunity.  We can love God with our imaginations.  With our senses.  With our playfulness and with our eyes.

This Lent, with our theme of baptism, we held an intergenerational Sunday School class (WE Curriculum) last week to tell the story of the Red Sea.  With the help of a talented artist, we dyed these silk circles in ways that remind us of "water."  Now here they hang in the sanctuary!



We are also still soliciting contributions to our sculptural installation.  Surrounding the baptismal font we are looking for items from your home/work/school/life that hold water.  Vessels used in ordinary life that could, despite (or perhaps because of) their ordinariness, communicate the grace of God demonstrated in the waters of baptism.


This Sunday, we will have an opportunity to remember our baptisms.  The Belgic Confession tells us, "Yet this baptism is profitable not only when the water is on us and when we receive it but throughout our entire lives."


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