Monday, December 3, 2012

Advent Playlist

With radio and Pandora stations dedicated to Christmas music, I often find it helpful to create my own playlist of particularly Advent-y music.  Of course, there is plenty of reason to enjoy Harking to Angels' Singing, and Gloria in Excesis Deo-ing. Christ has come!  And we are right to celebrate.  But we also know that Christ will come again.  And we are right to long for and prepare. All is not yet as it should be. What we see in part at Manger and Cross, we will someday see in full at Christ's Return and Kingdom Come.

Next Sunday we continue our examination of Gabriel's announcement to Mary.
Yesterday we focused on the proclamation that "The LORD is with you" as remarkably Good News, but not easy news.  That Jesus choose to belong to us in order that we might belong to God.
Next Sunday, we think of Gabriel's words, "Fear Not!" in conjunction with the Old Testament prophecy: Isaiah 40:1-11.  My challenge this week, should I choose to accept it (and I do) is this: to create a soundtrack for Isaiah's words.  Maybe you'll like my selections.  Maybe you will have your own to offer.
Comfort, comfort my people, says Your God.Speak tenderly to Jerusalem and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received double from the LORD's hand for all her sin.

1 comment:

  1. What a great song, beautifully sung! Thanks Meg...

    Norm Steen
