Friday, December 7, 2012


Even though, as Isaiah just got through saying, mortals are like grass and human kindness is like the flowers of the field -- destined to wither and fade -- we are still commissioned to the work of restoration.
You who bring good news to Zion, go up on a high mountain.You who bring good news to Jerusalem, lift up your voice.Lift up your voice with a shout. Do not be afraid.Say to the towns of Judah, "Here is your God!"
I am stuck on the image of Christian witness as walking through life with others; gently prodding or stopping someone dead in their tracks and shaking them by the shoulders announcing: "Here is Your God!"  Or, "Look!  That was God right there. Did you see it? Do you acknowledge it?  Well, how awesome is this?!?"

We spoke in Bible Study this week about the Christian task of "evangelism."  Some take to it very naturally.  Others of us squirm in our seats and talk about how we can be silent witnesses, which, while true, also seems a tad too convenient.  Maybe we let ourselves off the hook too easily with that particular justification?  At some point people need to hear the words that connect the dots -- "Here is Your God!"  

Evangelism is a word that has it's root in the Greek, evangelion, meaning "Good News."  Those of us who are fearful of this task feel hesitation, I suspect, because we equate evangelism with fire, brimstone and judging others.  But what if we re-calibrated our expectation so that we put ourselves in the business of "Good New"-ing people.  Or, as the prophet Isaiah said it long ago, say to them, "Here is Your God!"

From the same band I used yesterday, Open Up is a song about accepting the commission that comes along with God's grace in our lives.  Take some time today to use it as your prayer.  Who, in your life, needs some Good News?  Who needs to hear, "Here is Your God!"?

1 comment:

  1. Meg, I've really enjoyed your sound tracks this week. Thanks for the thought you've put into them.
