Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bible Study

This morning at Bible Study* We took this week's text: Luke 5:12-16 and compared it to the same accounts in Mark 1:40-45 and Matthew 8:1-4.  From these ingredients, we attempted to make a reduction of the essential ingredients of the story.  In other words, what is the same in each telling?  From this we can create a think, flavorful story.  It might also help to wonder about what is different in each telling -- which vapors burn off in order to get down to the essential flavors?

We spent considerable time on a phrase in Mark that neither Luke or Matthew picks up: "Jesus was indignant" or, in another translation of the text, "Jesus had compassion."  What could this mean?  What is the intersection of indignation and compassion? Why would Jesus feel this way in this story?

So, although you may not have been able to attend Bible Study, please join us in wondering as we all prepare our hearts for worship and for God's Word on Sunday morning.

*We host Bible Study every Wednesday morning at 11am. Together we work with the text for the coming Sunday's sermon.  It's called "crowd sourcing." Anyone is welcome to join us.

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